Ankh Live || Bottled Sunrise

Bottled Sunrise is Traction‘s affordable haute couture fashion company.

It’s a small business that sells clothes she’s designed and sewn from discarded materials she finds in landfills and on her many dumpster diving adventures.

  • Discarded clothes from big box stores.
  • Old towels and linen that are about to be thrown away by the hotels where she works to make a living. She carefully deconstructs it all and creates fashionable clothes.
  • Tires from landfills become belts, shoes, and accessories.
  • Corn husks and other organic cellulose material become purses.


She carefully deconstructs it all and creates fashionable clothes.

bottle sunrise ankh live
ANKH Live || Bottled Sunrise
Concept || Tom Libertiny
Graphics Designer || Sanzi Popa