ANKH IS ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic ideograph meaning | Life.
In the context of this project, it’s the story about Civil Rights on a Human Scale as told through the eyes of two friends, Shelly “Traction” Jones and Scott “Splinter” Owens, with the philosophy that it takes one person to make a change and two to start a revolution.
ANKH is the story of Traction and Splinter, two friends who see the world very differently. Traction believes there’s a future, while Splinter dwells on what was.
It’s based on the lessons learned by Tom Libertiny’s multi-year listening tour and inspired by Rachel Andresen.

Concept, AI Prompt Engineer, Retouches || Tom Libertiny

Concept, AI Prompt Engineer, Retouches || Tom Libertiny
Concept, Writer, Designer, Director, Images | Tom Libertiny
Visualization Artist | Daria Zhestyreva
Graphics Designer | Sanzi Popa
Vocals (Splinter) | Javier Yuch (All vocals on Wild Jackass)
Vocals (Traction) | Millicent Chimonyo (Lead and backing vocals on Little Lies), Tara Louise (backing vocals on Little Lies), Carolina Padron (backing vocals on Little Lies)
Guitars | Giacomo Pasqualim (Little Lies), MK (Little Lies), Greg Ayers (Wild Jackass)
Piano and Keyboards | Roxane S (Little Lies), Luca Longoni (Little Lies), Boh Cooper (Wild Jackass)
Bass, Keyboards, Guitars, Strings | Tom Libertiny
Drums | John “JR” Robinson (Wild Jackass), Emily Dolan Davies (Little Lies)
Produced by | Tom Libertiny
Music by | Tom Libertiny
Lyrics by | Tom Libertiny (Little Lies, Wild Jackass) and Caroline Six (Wild Jackass)
Mix Engineers | Luis “Cancion” Calderon (Little Lies), Jason Groves (Wild Jackass)
Mastering Engineers | Luis “Cancion” Calderon (Little Lies), Sangwook “Sunny” Nam (Wild Jackass)