In Ankh, Scott “Splinter“ Owen’s story starts in the same place as his friend’s — poverty.
It’s the cards that they were dealt at birth.
But how the two friends initially approach life is very different.
Ankh | Scott “Splinter” Owens
Splinter is all hard edges. As you can imagine, the rock music he sings doesn’t pull any punches. He says what’s on his mind.
In the Wild Jackass video, Splinter shows us his destitute origins and why that leads him to make desperate decisions. All the while he dreams of what he really wants from life. After a particularly harrowing experience he makes a difficult life decision to hopefully put himself on a path where he has a chance to reach what he longs for. But all isn’t what it seems.
His story is reflected in the first song we released for him: Wild Jackass and the accompanying music video.